Title:GIS Based Master Plan Formulation for Class 1 cities of Uttar Pradesh under AMRUT (Amroha, Sambhal and Chandausi)
Client:Urban Development Department, Government of UP
Partner:L & T Infra Engineering Limited, Centre for Symbiosis of Technology Empowerment and Management (STEM) and Intraspect Vision Consultancy (IVC)
Year of the Project:2019-20
Description of the Assignment:The IDC-Tethys team has been present on the soils of Uttar Pradesh for about 2 decades now. As the data analysis, report development, non-spatial data management and survey partner, the IDC-Tethys team undertook the following tasks:

Reconnaissance visits
Field visits and Inception Report Development
Secondary Data collection, Analysis and Report Development
Primary Data collection and Analysis and Report Development
Full range of Traffic and Transportation Survey
Consultation with Public, Private, Co-operative Sectors and all other Stakeholders
Special surveys highlighting the characteristic trait of the city
Title:Impact Assessment of Kanpur Smart City Projects
Client:Kanpur Smart City Limited
Year of the Project:2018
Description of the Assignment: To do a ‘Third Party Impact Assessment and Documentation of 08 initiatives under the Kanpur Smart City Limited’.

These projects constituted of 05 Physical Infrastructures and 03 Social Infrastructures. Herein the TETHYS team evaluated the
o ICT based Solid Waste Transfer stations,
o Naveen market as Non-Vehicular Market,
o Multi-Level car parking,
o Open gyms,
o Ghat development of Atal and Sarsaiya Ghat,
o Smart Travel card,
o Unifying City Awareness and Integrated traffic Management System.