Title:Training of Trainers (ToT) programme by Uttar Pradesh State Resource Center for Waste Management (SRC)
Partners:Urban Development Department, Government of Uttar Pradesh & ITC Limited
Year of the Project:
Description of the Assignment:IDC houses the Uttar Pradesh State Resource Center for Waste Management (SRC). This SRC is a technical think tank, knowlegde support and training body. It is formed under a tripartite agreement between IDC, ITC Limited and the Urban Development depratment, Government of UP.

The goal of this SRC is to conduct Training of Trainers (ToT) on Community Led Decentralized Solid Waste Managemnt (CLDS) so as to enhance the capacity of the Urban Local Bodies (ULBs) and in the process, minimize the waste going to sanitary landfill. The SRC shall also assist the state government and the ULBs in establishment and promotion of decentralized waste management and circular economy. One other key goal of SRC is to achieve 100% community engagement in the process of waste management and inculcate a sense of ownership and responsibility amonst the citizens for the waste management of their locality.
Title:Development of Etawah as Community Led Decentralised Solid Waste Management (CLDS) Model town and its DPR by Uttar Pradesh State Resource Center for Waste Management (SRC)
Partners:Urban Development Department, Government of Uttar Pradesh & ITC Limited
Year of the Project:December 2019 - Present
Description of the Assignment:Etawah is an administrative headquarters of Etawah district falls under the Kanpur division in Uttar Pradesh. The total area of Etawah is 48 Sq.km and the population as per census 2011 is 2,56,838. This means a population density of 538 persons/Sq.km. Etawah city has been divided into 40 wards for administration purpose. Solid waste management practiced in these wards is through a centralized process. Lack of awareness among residents about waste segregation, unorganized and unregulated waste management activities leads to mixing of waste that is being disposed off to the treatment facility, due to which centralized treatment plan is nonoperational/non-working. And high reliance on non-operational centralized facility resulted in accumulation and dumping of waste. This worsened the whole scenario of the solid waste system in Etawah.
To tackle these issues, Etawah Nagar Palika Parishad in support with Indian Development Center, through the Detailed Project Report (DPR), proposed to implement a Community Led Decentralized Solid Waste Management. And the administration of Etawah has taken a right step, after completion of a model ward, to replicate the project across all 40 wards of Etawah, towards full compliance of Solid Waste Management Rules- 2016.

Proposed Community-led Decentralized SWM involves, the formation of a Mohalla Samitis/Swachhata Samitis for 200-300 HHs and giving them the ownership/authority of that Mohalla to monitor the day to day SWM activities. In doing so, massive measures were undertaken by team of IDC towards conducting surveys, spreading awareness among the community members regarding segregation of waste through the door to door and community programs, deployment of necessary infrastructure (Community Composters, Tri-cycles, Drums, protective gears for DTDC workers etc.) to successfully implement the project in pilot ward. After the implementation of the project, Wet waste is being placed and treated in the specially designed ‘Community Composters’ located in close proximity to the source, within the mohalla and produced compost is being utilized by the community members. Dry waste collected through DTDC worker is sent to the Material Recovery Facility (MRF) and then transferred to the waste recyclers. While only Inert waste is being transferred to the Sanitary Landfill Site (SLF).

Title:Community Led Decentralised Solid Waste Management (CLDS) Model wards in twenty (20 citites of Uttar Pradesh by Uttar Pradesh State Resource Center for Waste Management (SRC)
Partners:Urban Development Department, Government of Uttar Pradesh & ITC Limited
Year of the Project:December 2019 - Present
Description of the Assignment:IDC in its role as Uttar Pradesh State Resource Center for Waste Management (SRC) is the nodal body to enable and assist the ULBs of the state so that they could implement Community Led Decentralised Solid Waste Management (CLDS), which is one of the most sustainable way forward in regard to Solid Waste Management.

To acheice this goal, IDC, ITC and the UDD have chosen a set of 20 ULBs which shall be developed as hub ULBs in the first phase. In all of these ULBs IDC’s role is to get on field and establish one model ward each. IDC has already demonstrated a succesful pilot of the same in Etawah in December 2019.

IDC is in the final leg of its feasibility visits to all these ULBs. During the visit a series of discussions with various stakeholders including the Executive Officer/Municipal Comissioner, Chairman/Mayor, Sanitary Inspectors and obviously with the citizens take place. Post discussion the IDC team moves to the field to assess various SWM related infrastructures such as landfill sites, material recovery facility, waste processing facility etc. These discussions and field visits are important to select the pilot ward to be developed as a model and also to assess the preparedness and willingness of the ULB.
Title:Initiative for Home Composting in Agra
Client:Municipal Corporation of Agra
Year of the Project:2018-19
Description of the Assignment:As a part of promotion of Urban Sanitation in Swachh Bharat Mission-Urban, IDC launched the initiative for home composting in the city of Agra. A total of 4700 Home Composting Units at the cost of Rs. 20,00,000 were purchased and distributed under this initiative.
The initiative was aimed towards reducing the solid waste particularly et waste from the kitchens of residential areas and thereby minimizing the collection, transportation & disposal of the solid waste which will impact the efficiency of solid waste management in the city of Agra.

Impact of the initiative –
1. The Pilot Home Composting Drive helped the Agra Nagar Nigam by reducing their load on landfill sites.
2. A considerable portion of wet waste were composted by residents which decreased the amount of waste to be collected and disposed from these two wards.
3. The Initiative was successful in generating the interest and awareness amongst the inhabitants about the benefits of home composting.
Agra Nagar Nigam now plans to scale up the initiative to 100% of the HHs in the city as well.
Title:One Day Workshop on Community based Decentralized Municipal Solid Waste Management: Learnings, Challenges and Way Forward.
Facilitator:Indian Development Center (IDC), ITC Ltd. and Saharanpur Municipal Corporation
Year of the Project:2018
Description of the Assignment:The purpose of the workshops was to orient functionaries responsible for MSW services including Municipal Commissioner / Executive Officer and SBM-U Nodal Officers from each of the 37 ULBs [8 Nagar Nigams, 17 Nagar Palika Parishads and 12 Nagar Palikas] which were awarded under various categories in ‘Swachh Ward Pratispardha’ in the event held on 25th December 2018 in the august presence of Hon. Chief Minister and Hon. UDM Government of Uttar Pradesh, by sharing technical expertise and disseminating the field level learnings and experience on community based decentralized waste management from range of national practices with a view to discuss current challenges, emerging models and possible ways of tackling efficient solid waste management in the cities.